Monday 16 March 2015


There are large parts of the opening missing in this rough cut. However, the sound, both diegetic and non diegetic has been included but is not complete. There are gaps in the soundtrack by Torrey Desmond Rogers which are audible, we will need to fix this by reimporting it as a whole mp3, not in separate pieces, and by cutting it from its original 5 minutes to the 2 minutes of our film. In addition to this I would like to use an effect, e.g. a crossfade/dissolve the audio for a smoother transition to the beginning of the opening sequence. 
Also, we started to include titles but they are unfinished, at this point we still had 3 more names and the actual title of the film to include.
The version that we uploaded to Youtube is shaky, and the transitions do not look the same as they do on Premiere Pro, I think this is because we did not render our work area properly. This is something we need to ensure we do for the final.
Lastly, when we saved this rough cut, we had not yet reshot the bus scenes. The framing of the shots needed to be changed, and Lucia needed to be centred more, and we achieved this when we reshot it.

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