Friday 2 January 2015


We decided to call the title 'Kett's Heights' after the location that we are filming at. This title does not give too much away but at the same time establishes something vital, it is also not a fictitious therefore seems much more realistic to the viewer, especially someone familiar with Norwich as one of our audiences - our classmates - will be.  I have done some further research on the location to consolidate knowledge and make sure it is the right name. The photos below are not mine and have been taken from old scans found on Flickr.

Through reading this it has become apparent that the woodland has not really been maintained or publicised properly since the 1980s, almost 30 years ago. It is almost completely unheard of locally, the only recent publication about it I could find was one in the local newspaper dated about 2 years ago talking about how Kett's is a 'hidden gem.'  It has been neglected and is almost in ruin, given that the large scale of it would mean that it would need a lot of maintenance, so technically, in both our fictitious film and in reality, it is abandoned, unused and overgrown. 

This title sprang into mind after visiting the location, the atmosphere there is something that I cannot describe properly, as it would be better to visit for it to come into realisation. Sadly, we cannot do this through a film, so will try to show it through camera work of the place (such as using several establishing shots), as well as the title.

There is something rather poignant about how Kett's Heights has been forgotten, especially as it is somewhere so rich in both history and beauty-although its prettiness is somewhat faded now, and it is sadly in a state of decay. This poignancy can also easily be manipulated to become mysterious, dangerous (due to its abandonment) and scary, something we are going to try and do in our film primarily through the soundscape we are going to create (and the various POV shots) which will in turn create the kind of atmosphere we are trying to achieve.

In relation to the title, it would also compliment it because we are stressing an importance on the location therefore it would be a good idea to do this in an obvious way too, instead of wasting time filming too many establishing shots to show the location, something we did in the preliminary task and something we also want to avoid.


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