Friday 2 January 2015


The woodland is very wild and full of creepers and weeds that have grown over remanents of buildings, the stone slates you can see in this photo (which are out of focus) were used in the second world war to grow crops from, showing just how deserted and isolated it is, as well as how it is delapidated into ruin, adding to the fact that it is not often visited by people, so the young girl will look even more vunerable against this sinister landscape.

There is also the remains of a 13th century church which is also in ruin and covered in moss, adding to the element of desertion.

The location is on the top of one of Norwich's biggest hills so there are lots of views of the the city which we are planning to film to establish how we are near to somewhere urban.

More creepers around a small path.

A view of the city below- there is a ring road you can see quite clearly between the trees and shrubbery.


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