Our main piece of technology that we used was the DSLR camera we filmed on.
We used a 18-55 mm lense, which is best for producing wide to mid shots. Overall, I really liked the camera we used. It helped us compose some really aesthetically pleasing shots, and create the mood of our thriller through all the shots of our location.
We also used a tripod to ensure that all filming we did was steady. We had some trouble with attaching the camera to the tripod but that was only because we had never used a tripod with this camera before. It was also hard to carry the tripod around, and we had a long journey. It was also hard to navigate a way round our location with the tripod.
We used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit our film, which we had used before for our preliminary task. Our group found it hard to work with at first, because we had never really been taught how to use it so was still quite new to us. Here are some aspects of editing:
We had both diegetic and non diegetic sound in our piece so we had various different audio channels.
Dragging and dropping the different mp3 clips into the correct audio channel was not hard.
However, changing the decibels on each individual clip was harder, because we had to listen to the mp3 first then listen to the whole film with audio to see the difference and whether it could be heard properly.
Something else we did was edit the sound clip taken from 'the Night of the Demon' because it was too short, so instead of it being at 100% speed, I changed it so it was 80%.
For the transition into flashbacks we used a white flash to demonstrate a change in time. This helped us to demonstrate the non linear narrative clearly. This was a fairly straightforward process, having said this we did have to edit the length of these transitions to suit the length of the actual video clip.

We changed the speed of the clips where there were flashbacks, to help the audience differentiate. This was something we tried to find how to do for quite a while, so was crucial we remembered how to do this for all clips after doing it for the first time.
Overall, I have learnt an immense amount about editing, and the editing programme we used. I have used lots of different effects and editing tools which I have never used before, and experimented a lot with them to try and get the best result, reflecting the genre and making it look aesthetically pleasing.
We reshot some of the bus scenes and got on a bus that went the opposite way. This meant that when we imported the clips we realised that they were the wrong way round so ended up rotating the shots to create continuity.
I experimented with different kinds of presentational devices in order to create variety in my blog. It was my first time using Prezi as a form of presenting my ideas, and I found it hard to work out at first but the templates really helped. It also enabled me to add different media onto one document which is something I had never done before.
Something I did not know how to do was put a Powerpoint onto my blog so I screenshot it instead and then uploaded the PNG/JPEG images onto a post.
One presentational device I did not use was audio commentary, this was simply because I wasn't sure how to approach it and think I have managed to include all information I have without it.
The internet helped me in my research. I would say that Youtube was the best resource in my research because there is so much content people upload, and short clips from thrillers we have been inspired by can be viewed (see below).
There were other sites during my research like www.lib.berkeley.edu which has several essays on aspects of film noir like femme fetales, I have cited some of these in my own research and essays.
The only extremely useful pieces of technology we used during planning were our digital cameras and phone cameras when location scouting, which we looked back on when finalising our location, as well as using a digital camera to capture some footage of the location which we also looked back on.